Thursday, May 1, 2008

Pagan Strikes Back.

Assignment: Put a link on your blog to a song, video, advertisement, or some aspect ofpop culture. Then write a short creative piece with a 250 word maximum that connects to you in some thematic or personal way.

Have you ever felt like you have a secret that you can't talk about with others? I feel like that sometimes. It is no secret that I am Pagan, but I certainly do not just volunteer that information whenever the topic of religion comes up. Too many stares, I can see the thoughts running through your heads.
"What the fuck is a Pagan?"
"Are those tree hugging freaks?"
"Oh my God, is she a devil worshiper?"
"Get away from her."
I cannot find others like me. Or if I do, they are dark and brooding creatures in the shadows, wallowing in their stagnant soup of loneliness. Also known as goths. And as hypocritical as it sounds, I can't be around people like that for long, they make me feel uncomfortable. They also feel like they are as knowledgeable as a slug. About as slimy as one too.
I am tired of Christianity being the assumed religion of everyone in the United States. It might be the majority, but it is not everyone.

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